SEO Glossary: White Hat SEO

In a nutshell: What is white hat SEO?

Nutzen Webmaster und Suchmaschinenoptimierer das White Hat SEO, verwenden sie hierfür „saubere“ Maßnahmen. White Hat SEO bezieht sich größtenteils auf die OnPage-Optimierungen. Dazu gehören unter anderem Verbesserung der Struktur, hochwertiger Content und eine saubere, natürliche Verlinkung.


What is white hat SEO?

Those who adhere to white hat SEO have nothing to fear in terms of penalties or even complete de-indexing. This is because it includes all harmless and ethically correct measures to help a website rank higher in the SERPs.


In addition to white hat SEO, there are also Grey Hat SEO and BLACK HAT SEO are also known. If website operators want to be successful in the long term and sustainably, it is not advisable to use such measures and to rely exclusively on white hat SEO.


White hat SEO affects various areas such as the structure and content of a website. Such measures will be discussed later on.


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What advantages does white-hat SEO offer?

The advantages of white hat SEO are listed below:


  • Security: If marketers and companies use white hat SEO, they are on the safe side. This is because it rules out penalties or complete deindexing. At the same time, there is no loss of traffic or sales.
  • EthicsMany companies and SEOs don't want to bother with gray and black hat SEO because they don't see it as ethically correct. They prefer to work cleanly and can proudly say that they have not used any reprehensible and questionable methods.
  • Costs: If white hat SEO is practiced in the long term, penalties are virtually non-existent, as already mentioned. Accordingly, such penalties do not have to be compensated for, for example, by removing spam links or hiring an SEO agency to "straighten things out". This is far cheaper and saves costs!
  • More stability: If a website ranks in the SERPs through white hat SEO, it is far more stable. This is especially true in the long term, as it is very unlikely that penalties will occur in the future.


What measures does white hat SEO include?

Various measures are available to carry out white hat SEO. These include


  • Keywords: Before starting on new projects or subpages, the first step is a keyword research is carried out. The keywords are then integrated into the content in a meaningful way (texts, meta information, imagesetc.). Questionable methods such as keyword stuffing have no place here.
  • OnPage optimizationHere, too, there is a great deal of need for optimization, for example to make the page navigation, search function and URL structure meaningful. This creates added value not only for search engines, but also for users.
  • Link: Also the link image must also look clean and natural for white hat SEO. Any kind of link manipulation such as spam links have no place here. Search engines detect such practices immediately and penalize them.
  • Content: When it comes to content, the basic law applies: "Content is king"! Create high-quality content for your users that they enjoy consuming. This allows you to offer real added value and stand out from the competition. The search engines will also reward you for this.


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Conclusion: What is white hat SEO?

If SEOs, companies and marketers want to rank well in the long term and avoid any nasty surprises, they should rely on white hat SEO from the outset. This not only saves a lot of trouble, but also costs and work. It also creates far more security.

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