SEO Glossary: Google Shopping

In a nutshell: What is Google Shopping?

Google Shopping offers online store owners an excellent advertising opportunity to promote their own products. Hereby, high click numbers can be achieved and new customers can be won.

What is Google Shopping?

Google Shopping belongs to the GOOGLE ADS advertising network. However, it is not suitable for classic text or image ads.


Rather, online store operators have the option of submitting standardized data. These are automatically recognized by Google and represent important information for product boxes.


For example, if a search engine user enters a product name such as "car tire XYZ 123", the small product box including product image, price, shipping costs and dealer name is displayed. Store operators have no influence on the design of the product boxes.


As with classic Google Ads advertisements, the CPC (cost per click) method also applies to Google Shopping. Store operators themselves determine how much they want to invest per click for a specific keyword. The highest bid wins, all lower bids are placed further down the list.


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What are the advantages of Google Shopping?

On the one hand, Google Shopping comes directly from Google. There is great potential behind this, as many potential buyers search for suitable products on the search engine.


On the other hand, the Google Shopping tag has established itself with many prospective customers. If they are looking for a product, they click directly after building the SERPs directly into the "Shopping" tab to pick out the best results.


In addition, Google Shopping acts like a kind of its own marketplace. Store operators benefit from this, as Google's good reputation is well known. If prospective customers enter something here, they almost always receive high-quality and relevant information or products. This results in high click and conversion rates.


Especially in the highly competitive market, Google Shopping is indispensable for many nowadays. However, this only applies to "mainstream products". Niche products, on the other hand, have it a little harder. Here it runs the risk that such products are often not displayed.


How does Google Shopping work?


  • When setting up and optimizing an online store, operators should pay attention to all important information such as product name, price, shipping costs and so on. This is the only way that every single product is taken over exactly by Google and displayed accordingly in the search results.


  • If products are to be displayed on Google Shopping, the corresponding configurations must be made when creating the advertisement


  • Advertisers only pay when a prospect has clicked on a product and is redirected to the online store


  • The price varies depending on the competition. But it starts at about 10 percent.


  • To achieve high click and conversion rates, a detailed and sales-promoting description is recommended. This is the only way to ensure that the interested party makes a purchase decision.


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Conclusion: What is Google Shopping?

Especially online stores with a strong competition benefit from Google Shopping and have here the opportunity to prevail in the competitive field. A test is definitely recommended to familiarize yourself with the topic. Importing products and adjusting the advertisements are successfully done in just a few steps.

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