SEO Glossary: X (Twitter)

In a nutshell: What is X (formerly Twitter)?

X has gained notoriety under the name Twitter. It is a communication platform that is used by private individuals and companies alike. A special feature is the character limit for posts - also known as "tweets".


Twitter (now X) - what is it?

X is a social and blogging service on the Internet that allows users to disseminate and receive information in real time. Content is published in so-called tweets. There is one special feature: a tweet can contain a maximum of 280 characters. Until 2017, it was only 140 characters.


X was known as "Twitter" for a long time after it was founded in 2006. This English term stands for "twitter". X has also been available for mobile devices since 2010 and has been listed on the stock exchange since 2013.


Not only can tweets be sent in text form on X. It is also possible to publish images, GIFs and videos.


X is particularly practical because users can publish short messages quickly and in real time - be it a product announcement, a link to a blog article or a survey to collect information.


This is why not only private users use X, but also many companies. Brand awareness can be increased and users can get in touch with the brand directly.


Functions of X

As X (formerly Twitter) is a so-called microblogging platform , it is primarily used as a blog. The difference to a conventional blog is that the number of characters is severely limited. With a maximum character count of 280, this results in just around 50 words.


Other users can react to tweets. To do this, they can "like" a tweet or use the retweet function . This allows them to share a post with their own followers. Users can also send a quote tweet to not only retweet the original tweet, but also add their own text.


Users can also comment on other people's tweets - at least if they are public. You can also generate followers via X.


How to use X?

The content on X ranges from simple jokes and profound thoughts to advertising from companies. As a result, a diverse mix of users are active on X, posting, liking or retweeting tweets.


Brands must therefore understand how X works and use their knowledge accordingly in order to interact with users. There are many ways to use X for your company:


  • Opening up a new target group
  • Promote sales, products and events in an organic way
  • Increase brand awareness


Private users use X in a completely different way. Some simply want to follow their favorite athletes or stars via X. Others actively share their opinions - on political issues, for example. Some also follow their favorite brands to stay up to date.


Therefore, you can build a close relationship with your customers with an active X account.


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Important terms of X

Before you create an account with X, you should be familiar with the main terms used on the platform and their meaning.



A handle is the name that people enter on X to find a specific profile. The handle is displayed with an @. It is also used in the URL of your profile page.



Hashtags start with #. This is followed by one or more words. These should match the topic of the tweet. Clicking on a hashtag takes users to other tweets that use it. In this way, hashtags help to expand the target group.


I like

The classic Like function, which is familiar from Facebook and the like, is also available on X (Twitter). Users can support a tweet by clicking on "Like". Basically, users can see what other users like and which tweets have the most likes.



If someone enters the @ with your handle, you will be mentioned. You will receive a notification and others can access your profile via the person's post. Mentions can be useful, but they can also be annoying. They should always match the topic and the profile.



You can retweet another user's tweet and add your own thoughts to it. This allows you to have conversations, keep discussions going and increase your presence on X.


Retweet function

Here you post another user's contribution to your timeline without adding your own thoughts. This allows you to share relevant content with your followers quickly, easily and without judgment.



Several related tweets are combined into one thread. This makes it possible to have a longer conversation about a topic. Threads can help to provide valuable details.


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Using X correctly - the first steps on the platform

The advantages of X (formerly Twitter) are manifold. But how do you use the platform correctly to benefit from them? We have compiled the most important steps for beginners .


1. create X(Twitter) account

First of all, you need an account for X. Choose a unique name that will be used as your "handle name". Other companies can use this to find your account.


Make sure it has a high recognition value. It should also be easy to remember your handle. Too many special characters or numbers make it difficult to read.


You can then upload a profile picture. It is one of the first things that users see, which is why you should focus on making the best possible first impression. It's best to choose a picture that represents your brand, for example:


  • your logo
  • your storefront


Then enter a biography. This is part of your virtual business card. So make sure that it contains meaningful and important information. What should users know when they visit your profile for the first time?


You can also enter hashtags that are relevant to your business and add your location.


2. insert link to your website

What purpose should your tweets serve? If you traffic to your website via X, you should include the link to your website inyour profile.


This is the fastest way to generate traffic. If one of your posts gets a lot of views, some users will go to your profile. From there, they'll go to your website and you'll get more clicks.


3. follow other users

X (formerly Twitter) thrives on interaction between users. So you should also become active and connect with others. Take the time to identify users who are relevant to you.


These can be people and brands that are active in the same industry as you. It is important to follow profiles that emphasize your interests. By interacting with other users, you can strengthen your brand and increase your visibility.


Incidentally, this not only includes following accounts, but also retweeting content or liking and commenting.


4. share content

For success with X or Twitter, one more essential step is necessary: creating and sharing your own content. This includes everything you want to post. Always try to trigger a reaction from your followers:


  • read
  • reply or comment
  • like
  • share
  • buy


Ideally, your followers should share your tweets in their timeline. This way, your content reaches many more users and your brand can continue to grow. You may even go viral this way.


Good shareable content includes videos about your products and services, informative blog posts, infographics and all other posts with added value.


Tips for using X

Getting started on a new social media platform can be difficult for companies. That's why we have a few tips for you that can help you use X (formerly Twitter).


Branding guidelines

If you're already on other networks, you know: Consistent branding is absolutely essential. Therefore, determine in advance what your X presence should look like - for maximum recognition value and a professional appearance.


Find out which post format best suits your brand. Choose fonts and colors carefully. Branding also includes your tone of voice and many other aspects.


Interactions with the target group

Interactions with other users are the key to success with X. It's best to start by creating interesting tweets so that users view and react to your content.


If you receive constructive criticism, you should respond to it. If someone asks you a question, you should answer it. How you respond to your target group can help you build brand authority and trustworthiness.



To identify which of your tweets are successful, you should always keep an eye on your content. Tracking using various tools can help you to identify potential. This allows you to continuously expand your marketing strategy.


Of course, your own feelings are also crucial. If you realize that certain topics are not well received by your followers, you should focus less on them in the future and create posts that perform better.


Conclusion: What is X (formerly Twitter)?

X has long been known as Twitter and is a microblogging service used by many private users and companies. By using X correctly, you can attract new customers, strengthen relationships with existing customers and increase your traffic.


It is also possible to increase your brand authority and reach thanks to X. Successful companies can use the platform to generate sales. This requires a good strategy.


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