The YouTube SEO Optimization Checklist 2021 - Here's how!

When it comes to SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, many webmasters think primarily of Google and focus on improving the content on their own website. But if you want to be findable on the internet, you also need to think about YouTube SEO. The targeted optimization of visibility on YouTube is very important - after all, it is the second largest search engine in the world after Google. In addition, the most relevant videos for a search query are often also displayed in the Google search, so a combined effect can occur here. However, you need to know that YOUTUBE SEO works differently to Google SEO. A YouTube video cannot be continuously optimized, as is the case with your own website. Instead, there are a whole range of other factors that determine success or failure. I have put together a checklist for you.


When it comes to SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, many webmasters think primarily of Google and focus on improving the content on their own website. But if you want to be findable on the internet, you also need to think about YouTube SEO.


The targeted optimization of visibility on YouTube is very important - after all, it is the second largest search engine in the world after Google. In addition, the most relevant videos for a search query are often also played out in Google search, so that a combined effect can occur here.


However, you need to know that YOUTUBE SEO works differently than Google SEO. A YouTube video cannot be optimized continuously, as is the case with your own website. Instead, there are a number of other factors that determine success or failure. I have put together a checklist for you.


Youtube SEO Ranking Factors 2022

The RANKING FACTORS for YouTube videos can basically be divided into two groups: Content Factors and Engagement Factors. While you can influence the content factors yourself, it's a bit more difficult with the engagement factors:

The most important content factors are:

  • Video title
  • Video description
  • Tags / Keywords
  • spoken text in your video


In fact, YouTube is getting better at analyzing the spoken text in your video and understanding the content based on that. You can help YouTube do this by uploading subtitles.


In any case, you need to make the most of all the content areas that YouTube offers you. For targeted YouTube SEO, you should make it clear to the user and the algorithm what the video is about.

The key engagement factors are:

  • Playback time (minutes & in percent)
  • Interactions (Likes, Comments & Co)
  • Popularity of the channel (subscribers, views & co)


Unlike the content factors, you can't simply customize the engagement factors to your liking. Instead, it's important that you promote the engagement factors through good content.


The golden YouTube SEO rule for you should be: "Produce good videos for content that users are looking for on the platform". You won't get anything out of it if your title promises a lot and the video can't fulfill these expectations in the end. Conversely, it is also of no use to you if your video is great, but does not have a meaningful title.


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The 3 phases of Youtube SEO optimization

I will now show you which 3 phases you should and will go through when creating videos that will achieve a high reach on YouTube. In each phase you need to work through a small checklist.


Phase 1: Keyword research & production

First of all, you need to think about what kind of video you want to produce and who should find this video in the first place. Similar to search engine optimization for Google, you need to research keywords for this.


Important! Search behavior on Google is somewhat different than on YouTube. Common keyword tools for Google are still suitable to get a first impression. But you should also look directly on YouTube, which Auto Suggestions are suggested to you in the search window. In addition, there are now various programs that can explicitly handle YouTube keyword research.


After you have researched the essential keywords, you now have to make sure that someone searching for them will find the optimal solution in your video. Be sure to meet the user right at the beginning and make it clear to him that he is in the right place.


When producing the video, you also need to directly consider promoting engagement. For example, encourage your viewers to ask questions in the comments. The "begging" for subscriptions and likes is also something you see a lot. It's somewhat questionable whether this method is really successful, as it could also annoy viewers. At the end of the video, however, there is nothing to say against it.


Tip: At the end of the video you should allow a few seconds for an "outro". This can simply be a black background that fades in for a while. Here you can, for example, link other videos and thus improve the overall playback time of your channel.


Your to-do's at a glance:

  • research important keywords with the help of tools & taking into account YouTube's Auto Suggestions
  • produce a video that is tailored to the interest of your target group
  • Integrate engagement boosters in your video to encourage interactivity
  • plan some time at the end for an "outro" to introduce other videos of your channel

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Phase 2: Upload video & wait 14 days

First of all, you need to think about what kind of video you want to produce and who should find this video in the first place. Similar to search engine optimization for Google, you need to research keywords for this.


Important! Search behavior on Google is somewhat different than on YouTube. Common keyword tools for Google are still suitable for getting a first impression. However, you should also look directly on YouTube to see which auto-suggestions are suggested to you in the search window. In addition, there are now various programs that explicitly handle YouTube keyword research.


After you have researched the essential keywords, you now have to make sure that someone searching for them will find the optimal solution in your video. Be sure to meet the user right at the beginning and make it clear to him that he is in the right place.


When producing the video, you also need to directly consider promoting engagement. For example, encourage your viewers to ask questions in the comments. The "begging" for subscriptions and likes is also something you see a lot. It's somewhat questionable whether this method is really successful, as it could also annoy viewers. At the end of the video, however, there is nothing to say against it.


Tip: At the end of the video you should allow a few seconds for an "outro". This can simply be a black background that fades in for a while. Here you can, for example, link other videos and thus improve the overall playback time of your channel.


Phase 3: Keeping an eye on your video

Natürlich ist es immer möglich, deinen Content anzupassen. Allerdings hat sich gezeigt, dass dies nach Veröffentlichung des Videos keinen großen Einfluss auf das Ranking hat. Stattdessen solltest Du in Phase 3 Deine Videos nur noch im Blick behalten und dafür sorgen, dass auf Kommentare geantwortet wird und dass Du Deine Watch-Time erhöhst.


Note: You may notice afterwards that you made a mistake in the video. Then you can also integrate comments in the video to correct them. Alternatively, you can also use the comment column for this.


Your to-do's at a glance:

  • Respond to comments and thus push the engagement rate
  • increase watch time by linking the video to other successful videos on your channel
  • add notes, if necessary, in order to correct things and thus increase the quality of the content afterwards


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Conclusion: You can't do without YouTube!

In conclusion, I would like to remind you once again that you should not do without YouTube for various reasons. These are the most important arguments:


- YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google and therefore a great lever for your reach.


- YouTube videos are also displayed for certain search queries in Google search, which gives you even more attention.


-YouTube videos are the ideal content supplement for your own website, increase the time spent on your site and offer added value.


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