In a nutshell: What is conversion rate optimization?
Conversion rate optimization (CRO for short) now plays an important role in online marketing. This sub-area is about using various measures to increase the overall CONVERSION RATE to improve or increase the overall conversion rate.
What is Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)?
Some marketers call it conversion rate optimization, alternatively also conversion rate optimization. It is abbreviated as CRO and includes all measures that contribute to achieving a better conversion rate.
In order to successfully improve the conversion rate, individual areas such as SEA campaigns, landing pages or purchase process are undertaken.
But what exactly is the conversion rate?
The conversion rate describes how many visitors to a website perform a certain action. This can be, for example, registration on a portal, a newsletter subscription or a product order.
(number of conversions x 100) / (number of page visitors) = conversion rate in percent
Assume you have 50,000 visitors to your website. With these visitors you achieve 1,500 orders per month. Consequently, the conversion rate according to the above calculation is 3%.
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- More organic visibility
- More organic visitors to your website
- More inquiries & sales
In which areas does the CRO intervene?
Below are important areas where conversion rate optimization (CRO) is used:
- Purchase process: It is not uncommon for customers to add a product to their shopping cart, begin the ordering process, and then suddenly abort. There can be several reasons for this. Possible solutions include possible guest purchases, ordering processes with a maximum of 5 steps, and a process display with all individual ordering steps.
- Forms: When it comes to forms, there are also some points where conversion rate optimization makes perfect sense. These should therefore not be too cumbersome and lengthy. Better: Forms are simplified and can be used without any problems.
- Content: It is important that the content is relevant and therefore targeted. For example, product pages should be optimized (good product texts, high-resolution product images). Can users get an idea of the shop/company? Are there enough call-to-actions?
- Mobile optimization: Many visitors and potential customers now surf the web using mobile devices. Accordingly, it is important to take a look at user-friendliness. Among other things, a sensible responsive design and fast loading times play an important role here.
Which measures contribute to a better conversion rate?
It is very difficult or impossible to determine in general terms what is important for conversion rate optimization. This basically requires an analysis in which all individual areas and aspects are examined.
These include:
- Content analysis
- Visitor behavior
- Usability of the website
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Conclusion: What is conversion rate optimization (CRO)?
Every website or store operator has the goal of getting more out of their traffic. This makes it all the more important and sensible to carry out conversion rate optimization (CRO). This involves analyzing individual areas and, if necessary, implementing measures that can contribute to a higher conversion rate. This often involves test phases with individual A/B tests.